44. MENEZES BASTOS, Rafael José de. Authenticity and Divertissement: Phonography, American Ethnomusicology and the Market of Ethnic Music in the United States of America, 2001.
45. RIFIOTIS, Theophilos. Les Médias et les Violences: Points de Repères sur la “Réception”, 2001.
46. GROSSI, Miriam Pillar e RIAL, Carmen Silvia de Moraes. Urban Fear in Brazil: From the Favelas to the Truman Show, 2001.
47. CASTELS, Alicia Norma Gonzáles de. O Estudo do Espaço na Perspectiva Interdisciplinar, 2001.
48. RIAL, Carmen Silvia de Moraes. 1. Contatos Fotográficos. 2. Manezinho, de ofensa a troféu, 2001.
49. RIAL, Carmen Silvia de Moraes. Racial and Ethnic Stereotypes in Brazilian Advertising. 2001
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